Monday, August 11, 2008

i saw this guy sleeping

in temple bar, on a busy saturday morning once. he must have been very tired.


Lottie said...

I know the feeling.

K said...

That's me in work today.

So many labels for a teeny post! Usually I can barely think of two for my own ones.

tina said...

lottie - :D

kitty cat - i just write whatever comes to my head; not sure if that's the right way to go about it...

Stel said...
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Stel said...
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Stel said...

Sorry, the comment posted a few times there for some reason.

What I was going to say once was that I'd love to be able to do that, can hardly sleep in the bed, not alone Temple bar. Maybe he was drunk, or dead. :0 Did you check back to see if he was still there? ha ha.

tina said...

Stel - this guy was clearly completely wasted. It was funny that people didn't even seem to notice him, though they almost had to step over him. Even the tourist didn't take any notice. Guess it's not that uncommon sight in Dublin... :)