Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i saw this mohican

on an anarchist once. (power to the people!)
the clonycavan man had a mohican. mohicans are high maintenance. it takes at least half an hour of backcombing, twisting, gelling and spraying. some people use toothpaste, shoe polish, glue or egg whites. why would you do that to yourself? it's a bit like a perm. or a mullet. not to mention the mo-hullet. not cool.


K said...

I always wonder what mohawks look like first thing in the morning.

Stel said...

That mohican looks very cool.

tina said...

@kitty cat - probably not so tough :)

@stel - nooooo! not cool. short, neatly cut hair is cool :)

Stel said...

No Tina, different is cool! Short, neatly cut hair is common. (well in my opinion anyway, ha ha)

tina said...

@stel - i think i'm starting to show my age here. i've turned into such an old bore recently ;). individual is cool, i agree on that!

T cup said...

i was told they use soap to hold up the hair!!

tina said...

Tcup - soap?? not sure how that works, but sound better than glue!

Lottie said...

It looks like there is a guy with a mohican standing behind the bleached boy.

tina said...

@Lottie - lol. it does, doesn't it?

Arsheen said...

cool photos tina!

tina said...

@arsheen - thank you :)

B said...

there's a fella ion galway right now with twelves inche long hair died rainbow colours with it sticking out in three big spikes like and airplane.
to add to this, he made some sort of sound like a creaking door every step he made.

serious attention issues.

tina said...

@b - that's nuts. what can i say; people in galway... ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow that's deadly ^.^

Anonymous said...

it takes like 10 mins to put a mohawk up dude

its called having hairspray + a hairdryer (Y)