Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i saw this pumpkin

it reminded me of halloween. i don't know why halloween is celebrated. no one really knows. no one cares either, as long as they can buy things. everything is orange and scary. in the future halloween will be a celebration of the orange people. you know, the ones with almost-pumpkin-coloured faces. fake bake will sponsor it. scary!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i saw this photo of poverty (a blog action day special)

today is blog action day and the theme is poverty. i'm not going to lecture you about poverty because, in my opinion, people either care or they don't. instead, i'm going to share with a photo that has had a big impact on me. i hope that it makes you think too.

this pulitzer prize winning photo is one of the most shocking photos i have ever seen.
the picture was taken during the 1994 sudan famine and shows a starving child crawling towards a united nations food camp, located a kilometre away. the vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat him. no one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer kevin carter who left the place as soon as the photo was taken. three months later carter committed suicide. (information from worldfamousphotos.com)

that is all. now think, people, think.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i saw this famine statue

it's a sad statue. but look at the sky. the sky's so happy! the sky's so blue! i've never seen the sky so calm!