Friday, July 25, 2008

i saw this apostrophe

in pizzas. what the heck is an apostrophe doing in pizzas? and if they thought it's pizza's then why didn't they think it would be burger's and salad's? i don't get it.


Cosmo said...

Hi Tina,

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad I've come across yours. I really like it - everyday life mixed with photography. Great idea.

I'll add a link on my blog.

By the way, the Stella cinema is going to be made into appartments ('cause Rathmines needs more I guess!) It would have been good to see it restored and turned into an arthouse cinema.

tina said...

Thanks Cosmo. I'm new to this blogging thing :). I'll add you to my links too.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the pizza owns the burgers and salads... sheesh... =)

K said...

Argh rogue apostrophes do my head in! And I quite like the Bad Ass Café. Oh well.

tina said...

@ Liam - obviously. why didn't i think of that!
@ kitty cat - i know! have to just try ignore it, I guess.

Jo said...

No, no, never give up! I'm with you. Just put a big red marker in your purse and ammend freely!

Anonymous said...

Apostrophes can only come after a vowel. Didn't you know?

tina said...

of course, ivan :)