Wednesday, August 13, 2008

i saw this cow

at a farmers' market once. mooooooo. farting cows cause more than a third of ireland's greenhouse gas emissions. the easiest way to save the environment, therefore, is getting rid of cows.


Jon said...

This is a great idea. I'll be back to see what you saw. I like your brief interesting comments too.

Lottie said...

Not anoymore as they have invensted the...wait for it....Cow Nappy. "This airtight nappy collects all the methane as well as the cowpats. Again the methane can be sold or used to generate electricity. By collecting this methane these people are preventing this methane escaping into the atmosphere and damaging the ozone layer.

What will they think of next?

tina said...

@ black hockey jesus - thank you very much!

@ lottie - please tell me you just made that up. honestly!

Lottie said...

@Tina - I wish i could but I swear it's real.

See Here and ....I can't find the other one but they are containers that strap onto their bottoms.

tina said...

@ Lottie - i seriously thought you made it up... OMG!

Annie said...

Love the blog! Will add you to le blonkroll.

Orange bike pics are ace.

tina said...

Thanks Annie! I'll add you to my roll too.