Thursday, August 28, 2008

i saw this fax machine

for sale at the bernard shaw carboot sale once. faxing is fun. you scribble something on a piece of paper, put it in a fax machine and send it to the other side of the world. much nicer than emails, when you think about it. i can't wait until faxing is so old fashioned that it's cool.


Lottie said...

Faxing you say. What a price drop - A bit like Lidl - they actually go to the bother of repricing labels when a product drops by one cent. Maybe they think people won't bother looking at the previous price.

tina said...

Every cent counts, Lottie :) I've actually never been to Lidl, must make the effort to go soon because everyone keeps on talking about it.

Momentary Madness said...

FFF could be the next big thing.
I'll have to get the facts;-)

T cup said...

i'm loving your work

Anonymous said...

seems to me like "it's fun to tax" instead

Lottie said...

Has anyone seen Tina? Is she out looking at things?

tina said...

Lottie - ha haa, I'm here, just been busy trying to find a job ;) I'll post more soon...

B said...

faxing falls into the same ground as the discman, it's inbetween two stages of technology and therefore will never be cool

tina said...

@B - i saw an ex-colleague very recently go to the gym with her discman! i could hardly believe my eyes... said...

There is a certain excitement to RECEIVING a fax that you just don't get with an email, the phone rings... the paper is sucked in... and line by line it is printed (on an inkjet anyway)... but as for SENDING faxes that sucks, who wants to pay for international phone calls?